Saturday, February 7, 2009

CAMP who?

Camp Lulu is not a 10,000 acre encampment in the rolling hills of anywhere. It is not a physical place to ship the children from June 'til August...  

Instead, it is the name chosen for a place, a blog I have decided to start. To blog or not to blog has been a question on my heart for a while... blogging seems daunting to me for some reason... that has already proven true for simply naming this blog... one thing about me is that I love and truly desire for things to have significance ~ even silly things like the name of a blog. So why CAMP LULU?  

*ACTS 2:26 best describes the place from which I live and breath. A lengthy battle with depression and anxiety has revealed the glorious truth of the hope that is in Jesus Christ. Hope... its the land in which I have pitched my tent! 

* CAMP? Well, simply, that is what you do when you pitch a tent~ you camp.... but the significance stems from a family vacation to Disney World about 4 years ago. My husband and I were dating at the time. For the first couple of days Kevin wore t-shirts from a couple of camps he had worked the previous summer... my sister bestowed upon him a new nickname... and CAMP KEVIN was born. It's been somewhat of a family joke ever since. 

*LULU was a childhood nickname given to me by my maternal grandfather. Hands down, the most influential man of my childhood, my life. I loved that nickname - but no where in the vicinity of how much I love that man. He's been in heaven now for almost 8 years... his departure from this earth has made heaven an even sweeter place... and recently I learned that Lulu means "famous warrior." I am a warrior... fighting for the abundant life promised in John 10:10 and not allowing the enemy to steal, kill or destroy me ~ especially with the flaming arrows of depression or anxiety!  

Well, that's CAMP LULU. Blogging ~ still daunting... but, I'm already at the end of my first post! 


  1. I love the blog name. This is so you!!! I can't wait to hear more.

  2. Great name. Lulu is where I'd be without Christ.
