Recently I was asked if I was EVER going to update the blog... apparently, I fell off the wagon... the blogging wagon, that is. I believe it has been over a month since my last post. I honestly cannot tell you why that is... there have been PLENTY of blog-worthy moments, lessons, etc.
Life has been moving at warp speed - or at least it seems that way. I have been doing my best to hold on with all that I have... what I am learning from this place is how firmly all that I have is being held. Firmly. In the grasp of Father God.
Friday night I was driving to meet two of my favorite people for a movie... as I drove my mind was all over the place. Out of nowhere a song from Little Big Town popped into my mind... had it been any other song - it would have been random - but this particular song and I have history. Weird? Maybe.
A few years back I was wrestling with a big time hurt - I had complained and wallowed in my hurt with anyone who would listen. The hurt just would not subside. Even I got tired of hearing me talk about it! Have you ever been there? I was driving to Atlanta with my hurt and this new song from Little Big Town came on the radio.
With the lyrics came an invitation from the heart of Father God: Bring it on Home to Me. It was one of those moments where the heavens parted and God spoke directly to my heart, to my hurt through the lyrics of this Country song. By the song's end, He had built the bridge that enabled me to get over it.
So fast forward to Friday night... four years later... as I am driving to meet friends this specific line keeps going over and over in my mind:
I know what you need, so bring it on home to me.
I whipped out the handy iPod, found the tune, pressed play and listened to His heart for me... His invitation... and I brought it all home - and found rest... just as He promises ~ "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11: 28-30 (MSG)
Tired? Check. Worn out? Check. Living freely and lightly? I'm in. Recover my life? Please. How I long to learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
So I want to share this song with you... not so much from Little Big Town, although they sing it wonderfully, but rather, from Father God - whatever your carrying, wherever you are, He wants to make it alright. He loves you more than life. He who created you knows exactly what you need. So hear Him singing this over you now.
Great post...welcome back! :)